Item Coversheet
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 5542
Date:  January  10, 2024 

 Agenda Item #: III. 
Planning Commission Work Session
Item Type:
Report and Recommendation 
Addison Lewis, Community Development Coordinator

Item Activity:
Subject:Accessory Dwelling Units Discussion   



Continue discussion regarding the draft ordinance for accessory dwelling units and provide feedback to staff. 


Topics for this work session will focus on: 

    • Continue discussion on setbacks for two story ADUs
    • Exceptions for existing structures / non-conforming structures
    • Minimum size 


Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) have been identified in several of Edina's guiding documents, including the Comprehensive Plan, Climate Action Plan and the Affordable Housing Strategy Task Force Report as a potential tool to further housing and sustainability goals. As such, the Edina Planning Commission's 2022 and 2023 work plans included the directive to "review and recommend changes to city ordinances regulating Accessory Dwelling Units". City staff and a sub-committee of the Planning Commission met numerous times over 2022 to research ADUs and how other cities regulate them. The information was presented to the full Planning Commission at their November 16, 2022 work session. At their January 11, 2023 meeting, the Planning Commission approved an Advisory Communication recommending that the City Council direct staff and the Planning Commission to draft an ordinance allowing ADUs. The Planning Commission's recommendation was presented to the City Council at their February 7, 2023 meeting. At the May 16, 2023 City Council work session, council provided feedback to staff and the Planning Commission to continue with developing recommended zoning changes for accessory dwelling units and to collect community input on the topic. The City gathered feedback from the community using an online survey, which received 136 responses.  Two resident focus group sessions were also held in an effort to have deeper conversations regarding ADUs in Edina.  Based on the research completed and feedback received, a draft ordinance has been prepared. The draft ordinance in this packet is not necessarily meant to be a recommendation but rather a starting point for discussion.  The draft ordinance includes many elements common among other cities' ADU ordinances that should be considered by the Planning Commission.   The Commission is asked to discuss the ordinance and provide feedback to staff. 
Draft ADU Ordinance
Survey Responses