Item Coversheet
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 5542
Date:  February  7, 2023 

 Agenda Item #: VI.AA. 
Mayor and City Council
Item Type:
Request For Purchase 
Lisa A. Schaefer, Assistant City Manager

Item Activity:
Subject:Request for Purchase: City Hall/Police Department Space Study Update Action   


Approve Proposal for Services with HGA to update the City Hall/Police Department Space Study in the amount of $37,017. The City's Master Agreement with HGA  applies to this proposal. 


This project was approved as part of the City's 2022-2023 Budget Work Plan. Budget Pillar 1: Strong Foundation; Strategy: Re-assess City Hall space needs for post-pandemic service delivery. 


In 2019, the City completed a space needs study for the City Hall site including the Police Department and parking lot.  Goals for the site included:

  •  Provide a safe & secure facility for the public and staff
  • Improve energy efficiency and sustainability
  • Complete planned or deferred maintenance
  • Increase pedestrian safety & ensure equitable access from parking lot
  • Ensure compliance:  ADA, Legal, Equity, & Safety 
  • Promote a positive public experience & service
  • Provide a healthy work environment and access to needed resources
  • Ensure effective use of real estate


Several projects have been completed since the 2019 study. Parking lot improvements were made to increase pedestrian safety and improve access for those with limited mobility. Improvements to the lobby were made to increase security. The energy management plan is developed and lighting projects are in process. Bids are in process for replacement of roof and addition of solar. 


As part of this project, the 2019 plan will be updated to account for changes to services post COVID. It will also expand on the first study and develop a preferred concept for floor plans. Staff will provide an update to Council by June, and seek approval to move to design phase.

RFP: City Hall and PD Space Needs Study
HGA Proposal for Services: City Hall Space Needs Update